Key future European industry sectors
By Ingemar Pongratz

I participated in an informal discussion a few days ago about which industries would lead Sweden and Europe out of the crises caused by the corona pandemic. Soon the discussion focused on which industry sectors would be critical in the future. Interestingly there were a few favourites which included one clear winner. Several experts are convinced that the food sector, the agricultural sector and agricultural technology will driveeconomic recovery in Europe. Key future European industry sectors include traditional industries in agriculture.
The arguments were rather interesting. The Corona pandemic has revealed a number of critical weaknesses in Sweden. These include our dependency on non-European suppliers for certain key products including feed, fertilizer and other key products. In addition, experts pointed out that agriculture, animal production and also forestry represent key sectors from a climate perspective. The European Commission has for example recognized that these industrial sectors will be critical to reduce the human climate footprint through CO2 capture.
The EC has recently launched the European Green Deal. The EU agricultural, forestry and animal production sectors will promote the EU transition to a green economy in by 2050.
The Commission has launched very ambitious targets for the future compared to current levels. These targets include:
- 50% reduction in pesticide use
- 20% reduction in the use of fertilizers
- 50% reduction in antibiotic use for animal and fish purposes
In addition, these targets need to be accompanied with no reduction in actual outputs. Other targets include increased organic farming (by 25%) and increased conversion well managed and protected areas to protect biodiversity in Europe.
The Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy will create a massive 1,8 Trillion EUR economic value. The value will exceed the 750 billion EURO commitment to kick start the economy after the pandemic. Key future European industry sectors in particular agriculture are expected to create more economic growth in the future.
How will the EC implement this ambitious plan?
A few activities are already under discussion which include:
- revising the use of pesticides across Europe,
- improving animal healthcare rules
- reducing food waste
The Europe Commission is currently in the process of launching the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation scheme. Horizon Europe will replace Horizon 2020 from 2021. New products and services are required to support the F2F strategy and promote the conversion of European agriculture. The EU agriculture can become a driver of European economic growth. In addition, the EC is planning to support EU agriculture with further support outside Horizon Europe funding schemes.
Clearly, economic support must be translated into novel, science-based products. These products need increase agricultural production without compromising the climate and the environment.
Ingemar Pongratz is a Life science entrepreneur and established Fenix Scientific AB / Pongratz Consulting. In addition, Ingemar Pongratz established Letavis AB to develop novel products for the agricultural sector. Through Pongratz Consulting we help universities and industry to apply for European funding. Please contact us if you wish to discuss our professional services. Use the online contact form or send an email to
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